I'll find a place that values my experience

I've dedicated my life to teaching, honing my skills, and mastering the art of education. But what's holding me back? Age. Can you believe it?

Thailand, a country I've dreamed of teaching in, has shut its doors because apparently, I don't fit their preferred age bracket. "Under 55," they say. As if my years of experience mean nothing.

I'm not just a number. I'm a passionate educator with a wealth of knowledge and a burning desire to share it. But they'd rather favor youth over experience. It's frustrating, infuriating even.

But you know what? I refuse to be defined by their narrow-mindedness. I won't let their age bias deter me. I'll find a place where my expertise is valued, where my passion for teaching English isn't overshadowed by some arbitrary number.

Thailand's loss. I'll take my dedication, my expertise, and my enthusiasm elsewhere—somewhere that appreciates what I bring to the table. They're missing out on someone who could have made a real difference. But I'll find a place that recognizes the value of experience and passion, regardless of age.


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